Coping with Covid : how to keep calm in times of change, here are some powerful age-old practices for your body and your mind ! Right now you can start taking care of yourself,
5 Ancient Ways to Handle Melancholy, Sadness, Grief
Feeling melancholic, sad, nostalgic?
Modern life would have us believe it is all about positivity and feeling joyful 100% of the time.
Not only is it a big misperception but it can also prove to be a genuine health hazard. Forcing feelings of joy and happiness can have a detrimental effect on your overall mental and physical health.
Why Self Care is not just about Bubble Baths and Massages
In an era marked by burn out, how can we truly take care of ourselves? An article I read a few days ago inspired me to dig deeper into the subject and share with you perspectives from ancient wisdom. The article was about burn out and how millenials (persons reaching adulthood in the early 21st century) are so prone to it: Do you feel tired? Beyond exhausted? Living the.. Read More
* Learn a New Way to Detox Your Body and Mind This Autumn
AUTUMN DETOX IS ABOUT LETTING GO… According to Chinese Medicine, there are 2 seasons during the year when detoxing is recommended and will bring on optimal results. One is Spring (see How to make the most of Summer and Spring), and the other one is Autumn. Respecting the basic rules and rhythms of nature is part and parcel of ancient Chinese medicine and wisdom principles. Therefore, aligning yourself to nature’s.. Read More
* The I-Ching
The unique coaching method I use is based on Eastern Ancient Wisdom principles. Amongst the substantial quantity of material I have explored, studied and applied to life, my greatest source of inspiration remains The I-Ching, also called The Book of Change. Life is All about Change… “The only constant is change”, said Heraclitus (Greek philosopher). The I-Ching is an Ancient Classic Chinese book filled with Wisdom, and particularly wise advice about how.. Read More
* How to make the most of Spring and Summer
HARMONY AND CREATIVITY Here is spring, flowers are in bloom, trees have miraculously come back to life, and soon comes summer, the birds are singing and the sun is shining … Well, at least in some parts of the world, and hopefully where you are. Nature is reawakening and so are we! How can you make good use of the Spring and Summer vibes 🙂 ? In my previous posts,.. Read More
Being a Woman
While the world is celebrating Women today, let’s have a closer look at what it is to be a woman, not just today, but from a more universal, timeless perspective. What does it mean today and what has it always meant, over centuries and even milleniums? How can we cultivate our feminine part, power?
* Happy Love Day!
« It must be love love love »… I guess I should say happy Valentine’s day today but I prefer to say « Happy Love Day! » As an International citizen, you know how widespread Valentine’s Day’s celebration has become. Maybe you’re a big fan of Valentine’s day, maybe you avoid it because you think it’s a big money making scheme, or you have no Valentine to celebrate with, or your love is.. Read More
Your No Resolution New year Revolution !
I wish you a very happy resolution free new year ! I hope this year gives you peace and fulfilment in all areas of your life. I hope you find the keys to unlock any blockage you may be facing and are able to set yourself free. Find out the benefits of an empty TO DO resolution list now …