Coping with Covid : how to keep calm in times of change, here are some powerful age-old practices for your body and your mind ! Right now you can start taking care of yourself,
* The I-Ching
The unique coaching method I use is based on Eastern Ancient Wisdom principles. Amongst the substantial quantity of material I have explored, studied and applied to life, my greatest source of inspiration remains The I-Ching, also called The Book of Change. Life is All about Change… “The only constant is change”, said Heraclitus (Greek philosopher). The I-Ching is an Ancient Classic Chinese book filled with Wisdom, and particularly wise advice about how.. Read More
* A Partner AND A Career?
A PARTNER AND A CAREER? It is possible although not easy to achieve « success » both in your relationship AND in your career when you are an Expat… Most of the time, couples choose expatriation from their home country because of a job opportunity… for one of the partners… What happens to the other one (often the woman) who most of the time has to give up or put on hold.. Read More
Being a Woman
While the world is celebrating Women today, let’s have a closer look at what it is to be a woman, not just today, but from a more universal, timeless perspective. What does it mean today and what has it always meant, over centuries and even milleniums? How can we cultivate our feminine part, power?